In an emergency, always call triple zero (000). It’s a free call from any phone, mobile or phone box.

For other urgent medical issues, go to an Emergency Department.

Our Emergency Departments are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week:

photo of carparking at TVH


Ryan Park, Minister for Health, Minister for Regional Health


MEMBER for Lismore Janelle Saffin says 39 medical interns have joined the Northern New South Wales Local Health District, taking up positions in our local public hospitals.

prostate cancer announcement photo

An innovative new prostate cancer treatment is now available at the North Coast Cancer Institute in Lismore, offering significant reductions in treatment times for eligible patients.

measles alert

Northern NSW Local Health District Health is advising people to be alert for signs and symptoms of measles after being notified of a confirmed case who was infectious while visiting several locations in Lismore.

One of our valued Healthcare Helper volunteers, Jonathan Lawrence, at Lismore Base Hospital.

Northern NSW Local Health District is encouraging the local community to kick off 2025 by becoming a Healthcare Helper volunteer.

Former Grafton Gaol


Ryan Park, Minister for Health, Minister for Regional Health


People who live in, or are visiting Northern NSW are being urged to take simple precautions to protect themselves and others from COVID-19 during the holiday period.

Photo of Grafton Base Hospital


Ryan Park, Minister for Health, Minister for Regional Health

Mental Health Support Group Founder Barbara Swain (left) with Tuckeroo Occupational Therapist Angie D’Elboux surrounded by the 25 handmade quilts donated to the mental health unit.

Patients at Tuckeroo Mental Health Unit at Byron Central Hospital will feel the warmth of community kindness this Christmas, thanks to a donation of 25 handmade quilts lovingly crafted by local volunteers.

Photo of a nurse caring for a patient

Patients who attended emergency departments (EDs) in Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) during the 2023-24 financial year have once again given health staff, including clinicians and support staff, positive ratings.